Who I am Head of Actuarial Product Developlment and Insurance Technology, Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group Managing Director of ÖFdV GmbH (Österreichische Förderungsgesellschaft der Versicherungsmathematik GmbH) Accredited Actuary (AVÖ) Board Member of the Actuarial Association of Austria (AVÖ) Chair of the AVÖ working group on actuarial valuation tables (Arbeitskreis “Rechnungsgrundlagen”Ider Österreichischen Aktuarvereinigung) Singer: Arnold Schoenberg Chor, Zusatzchor der Wiener Volksoper, Vokalensemble St. Stephan Past / Background: Mathematician (MSc. and PhD from the Graz University of Technology) and Theoretical Physicist (M.Sc. from the Karl-Franzens University of Graz) Professional Positions: Head of Actuarial Services, Senior Manager, EY (Ernst & Young) Austria Deputy Appointed Actuary (Life) of the Generali Versicherung AG, Vienna Financial and actuarial analyst with the Austrian Financial Market Authority in insurance supervision Assistant Professor and Senior Researcher in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at the Research Unit “Financial and Actuarial Mathematics” of the TU Vienna Software Developer: Managing director of “The Open Tools Company developing VirtueMart and WooCommerce Plugins Worked on several open-source projects: LilyPond, OrchestralLily, SANE, etc. KDE programmer: former maintainer of KOrganizer and one of the developers of KPilot American Football Referee Singer in several choirs: Chor von St. Augustin, Wiener Singakademie, Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien Board Member of the Wiener Singakademie and the Chorvereinigung “Jung-Wien” Music Publisher: Edition Kainhofer Entrepreneur: Deltasoft mathematics, a small company specialized in Mathematical software and Mathematica in particular. former Network administrator at the math department of the TU Graz (~35 Debian GNU/Linux machines) Law student at the University of Vienna (finished the first part of three in Jan. 2003 at the University of Graz)